Module 1
Deconstructing Empathy
Module Details
Module 1 deconstructs empathy by exploring various aspects of the empathic attunement process. Chris compares the different impact of the pro-social behaviors pity, sympathy & empathy. Then he takes a deep dive into the hard-wired and cognitive aspects of Empathy, Theory of Mind and the importance of the “as if stance,” where the concept of Empathy as a two-way communication process is introduced. You will gain a comprehensive and practical understanding of what empathy is and what it is not, as well as how it works.
Learning Goals
Learn how and why the pro-social behaviors pity, sympathy & empathy have a different, and sometimes negative impact on the recipient.
Discover how we are all hard-wired to be empathic with others and how empathic attunement can be learned and developed.
Discover the “as if stance,” what it is, how to apply it and why it is important in protecting your personal boundaries when working with others.
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