A co-created, mutual impact dynamic, i.e., “A” says or does something that impacts “B,” producing a reaction and response by “B,” which in turn causes “A” to react & respond. This reaction-response can be either positive or negative.
How “A” & “B” impact each other is in a constant state of potential change.
Each person has some choice in how they react and respond in the moment. For example, what they say and how they say it. Importantly, each person shares some of the responsibility for the relational dynamic.
This feeling of really being understood by someone is your “feeling frame-of-reference” of the recipient’s experience of empathic attunement. This is an experiential touchstone to remember as we move through the course.
Also, remember, empathic attunement can be part of loving, but you can love someone and not really “get” them and vice-versa, someone can “get” you but not necessarily love you.
Empathy is synonymous with feeling understood.